  1. Drive In Alley

From the recording Here Come the De La Vegaz

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"Drive In Alley" is a song about California summers, freedom, cool old cars, girls, high school, drive-in movies, and late night drives on the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway) all wrapped into one big enchilada.

Don Jorge and Don David drove their uncle Diego's red convertible Oldsmobile Rocket 88 and ended up buying the car. For three summers during high school, they would go to the El Monte Drive-In with their girlfriends. They were already working full-time as musicians, so not only did they have the coolest ride and plenty of money, but they were the envy of their classmates for somehow attracting the hottest girls.

Built in the mid-to-late 1940s in the East L.A. town of El Monte, the Drive-In showed movies of the times. Sometime in the 1970s it changed to a Spanish-language movie house. Then, in very late 1999 or early 2000, it was leveled to make room for a Home Depot store.