Little Pancho

Washington, DC, 1968

March 13, 1968 - Washington, DC - President and Mrs. Johnson greet little Frank (Pancho) De La Vega, a Mexican-American boy from Marina del Rey, Calif., the star of a documentary film on "Operation Headstart," which was shown at the White House today. The film shows how Headstart helped Little Pancho in school. With the boy is his mother, Mrs. Don Felipe De La Vega. In the background is R. Sargent Shriver, head of the poverty program.

A week after the film was released It was learned that Little Pancho's brother and cousin are Don Davido and Don Jorge De La Vega, professional musicians. It was reported that both musicians had earned more than President Johnson that year on a world tour that took them to Australia, South America, Europe and Japan.

Little Frankie had been living on the beach with his brother and cousin in an affluent area of Marina del Rey along the Pacific Coast Highway. There was a feature in the Los Angeles Times on Little Frankie and the extensive go-cart and low rider bike collection that his brother had bought him, but somehow this news article did not find its way to the White House. After the news broke, President Johnson had the screening room converted into a firing range, cancelled all film premiers from the White House and announced he would not seek a second term.